How to Become a Motivational Speaker?

Many people want to become a motivational speaker. That is fine, but there are some inner qualities of the person that make someone a good speaker and for becoming a motivational speaker some qualities are by nature but despite this, some habits have to develop. If you want to become a motivational speaker then you have to have to polish your skills. So in this article, we will know how to become a motivational speaker.

5 Basic Rules to Become a Motivational Speaker

Words have the power to heal the inner wounds. So that everyone did not become a motivational speaker, that is the serious issue your words can change someone’s life. So to give a positive change to someone’s life psychology has set some rules for the motivational speaker. That is the basic test of yours.

1. Why You Want to Become a Motivational Speaker?

First of all, you should ask yourself why you want to become a motivational speaker. Do you want fame or money and want to decrease someone? If you have all that purpose you will not become a good motivational speaker. I think you should not become a motivational speaker. Because your intention is not good about that.

2. Analyze Your Character

Second thing if you have clear and positive visions you should analyse your character. We can say that for becoming a motivational speaker you should build a good character.

3. Analyze Your Personality

A strong personality of a motivational speaker impacts well on the audience. So if you have an attractive personality that is very good for you. To become a motivational speaker you should analyse your personality.

4. Knowledge

That is a major thing If you have not enough knowledge then you could not speak confidently. And if you have good knowledge you can be a good motivational speaker.

5. Are You a Successful Person?

Have you ever done such things that you want to speak to others? Have you achieved anything in your life? Do you ever achieve high ambitions of your life? These all that those questions that every good speaker should know

Qualities and Skills For a Good Motivation Speaker


Everyone could not become a good speaker. They have to develop some following qualities. That is the basic skills and qualities that should be developed.

1. Communication Skills:

That is a very important thing first of all you have to develop in yourself that quality. Without developing this skill you could not become a motivational speaker. There is a proper way to communicate with the audience. Your words, your talking style and your body language should capture the attention of the audience. And by communication, you should make things easy and simple to understand.

Body language also plays a vital role in communication. Before standing in front of an audience you should know about the body language.  

2. Develop Confidence

If you are not confident and have a lot of knowledge about your topic then that will not well impact on your listeners and viewers. To convey your thoughts and knowledge to the people you have to develop confidence and speak confidently. Your timid and trembling voice and your body language show that you are not confident. Your knowledge and practice will be wasted if you will not speak confidently. 

3. Self Believe

That is also an important thing but different from confidence. For example, if you prepare a topic and have practised for it well but you have not believed in yourself that you can not convey that your inner weakness will not allow you to perform confidently. So believe in yourself and try to tell yourself that “I can do it” and in this whole world only I can do that properly.

4. Listening Skill

That is said that a good listener is a good speaker

If you are not a good listener then you will not become a good speaker. So before starting the practice of speaking, you should listen to others and try to note down good things. Like speaking style.

Also read: 20+ Best Motivational Quotes for a Successful Life

5. Complete Knowledge of Audience

You should take the complete knowledge of the topic and also about the audience. A good motivational speaker speaks according to the age and level of the audience. For example, if you interact with the college student then you will treat them as a businessman that is not a quality of a good speaker. A good motivational speaker changes words and motivation according to the audience. 

6. Clear in Thoughts

A good motivational speaker should be clear in thoughts. As you clear your thoughts you will clear someone’s confusions. Your confused mind will also confuse others. So keep your mind relaxed while speaking. You should know what you are saying and also why you are saying it. 

clear in thoughts - motivational speaker

7. Passionate

In starting, maybe you face some problems. But many problems have the solution to behave like a passionate motivational speaker. Your practice will make you better day by day. But you should be passionate about your work.

8. Active Minded

An absent-minded person could not become a motivational speaker so check on the internet many activities can make your mind fresh and active. While speaking your mind should be clear and you have to give a response to an audience actively. In the beginning, people become confused if someone asks any question. But with the time you enjoy the question. Without this, you may feel bored.

9. Engage the Audience

That is an art to attract an audience. You can gain attention by saying some interesting words and afterward that is the ability not to lose the attention of the audience. You should observe the audience when the audience feels bored. You should take some steps that you will already plan. That is unusual because people do not want to listen sometimes due to any reason. So a good speaker gains attention. 

10. Problem Solving

You should solve the problems of others and also feel sympathy for them. A good motivational speaker always does works for others and serves humanity. Your words should inspire others. And words consolation for others.

There are many qualities of a good motivational speaker. With the time you will learn from yourself and with your experience that is the basis that I have written.

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