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Here you will find a large collection of Poetry whatsapp status video with lyrical music. You can set those video status to your Whatsapp and Facebook reels.
Safar Sy Baz Rhny Ko Kha Hai poetry status for whatsapp. Tehzeeb Hafi best poetry status for whatsapp. Love poetry status of Tehzeeb Hafi. sad poetry status by Tehzeeb Hafi. you may also like the inspirational status of Sonu Sharma.
Poetry lyrics:
Ghlt Nikly Sb Andaze Hmare
Ky din ay hi nhi achy hmary
Ghlt Nikly Sb Andaze Hmare
Ky din ay hi nhi achy hmary
Safar sy baz rhny ko kha hai
Kisi y khol kr tasmy hmary
Safar sy baz rhny ko kha hai
Kisi y khol kr tasmy hmary