Tauba ky Sajdey-DUA STATUS

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Here you will find a large collection of Islamic whatsapp status video with lyrical music. You can set those video status to your Whatsapp and Facebook reels.

DOWNLOAD BEAUTIFUL DUA STATUS, Friday dua status for Whatsapp short video. You will also like statuses from other categories like POETRY, INSPIRATIONAL, and LOVE-ROMANTIC high-quality video and image status.

Wo raton ko khalwat se maamoor sajde

Wo lambi rakaton se mashoor sajde

Wo sajde muhafiz madadgar sajde

Ghamon ke moqabil ‘atardar sajde

Najaat aur bakhshish ke salar sajde

Jhuka sar to bante the talwar sajde

4.2K views September 16, 2020

Detailed Overview of Tauba ky Sajdey-DUA STATUS

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Impress your friends, family, and followers with the perfect status that reflects your unique personality and captures the essence of the moment. Upgrade your social media game and stand out from the crowd with the best WhatsApp status that will leave a lasting impression.

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